Friday, May 11, 2012


I'll shut up and let Robert Koehler, in his useful but lightly edited "Seoul" do the talking: 

Twenty-six shopping malls, 30,000 specialty shops and 50,000 manufacturers. All within a 10-block radius. Welcome to Dongdaemun Market.


  1. Ohhhhhhhh look at the glasses.

  2. I keep seeing parallels to Istanbul. Lots of guys with hand trucks and lots of shops that sell only one thing. There's a store below me that sells just industrial marine batteries. Down the street, a shop is stocked only with hats that have tinted brims. And there's a healthy bullhorn culture here. I don't know what everyone is shouting about, but it can sound like the muezzin's call to prayers.

  3. What is the fried treat on a stick?

  4. It's potato pieces with a surprise hot dog in the middle!

  5. Shut up!!! That's awesome! Bring one home please.

  6. I'd never get it past the airport beagle. Hell he'd probably smell it on my breath two weeks later and send me to the "green line."
